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A Heart for Rebel Page 19

  “Always, you nut.”

  “Good,” she said before turning to Wyatt and asking him, “Did you make enough for us?”

  “Yeah, there’s enough for you and Ty.” Wyatt filled three plates while Marissa grabbed utensils and napkins. Wyatt turned around and handed me a plate after kissing me on the forehead.

  “Awe, you guys are so sweet together, I think I’m gonna gag from a sugar overload,” Marissa said. I looked at her and laughed, “Hater.”

  “Yeah, jealous girl here,” she said while pointing to herself. Ty looked at her shaking his head and said, “Baby, if you want to get knocked up I can totally take care of that for you.” Marissa smacked him in the arm, “You are such a moron.”

  “Mari, baby I asked you to marry me and you turned me down.”

  “Ty, I didn’t say no. I said it was complicated. I explained the dynamics of my family. They will never accept you.”

  “Mari, I don’t give a fuck what your family thinks. I don’t care about them. I care what you think. I need you with me regardless what your family wants. It’s you and me baby.”

  Wyatt placed his plate on the counter next to me and wedged himself between my legs to whisper in my ear, “If they weren’t here, I would be eating your pussy instead of this omelet.” I giggled and covered my face, which I was sure was red from embarrassment. Our friends didn’t miss a thing, because Marissa immediately pounced on me.

  “Is he talking sexy nasty to you?”

  “Oh my god, Mari, are you seriously asking me if my guy is telling me he’d rather eat me out than the omelet he just made?” Wyatt snorted and Mari spit eggs out of her mouth.

  Ty laughed and said, “Bro, your girl is thirsty.” We were all laughing hysterically until Marissa’s eyes bugged out while looking at me. She rushed over to me and pushed Wyatt out of the way to grab my left hand.

  “Holy shit, you’re engaged! When the hell did this happen?” she shrieked.

  “Just a couple of hours ago when he got back from walking Blue,” I replied.

  “I’m so freaking happy for you, Rebel. When’s the wedding?” she asked.

  “We haven’t discussed it yet,” I replied.

  “The sooner the better,” Wyatt said.

  “How soon do you want to do this?” I asked him.

  “As soon as we get back, I don’t want to wait to make you my wife.”

  “Shot gun wedding, awesome,” Marissa hissed. I giggled and Wyatt huffed out, “No shot gun wedding. I want my baby to have an elegant special wedding. I want her to have her special day be special. I just don’t want to wait to make her totally mine.”

  “Okay, okay I could help make that happen. It’s not every day your best friend falls in love, gets pregnant and married.”

  “I should hope not, Mari,” I said.

  Ty patted Wyatt on the back and leaned in to kiss me on the check. Our friends were truly happy for us.

  When we got back home Marissa went full gorilla on planning my wedding. Wyatt and I had to sit down with her and break it to her gently that we wanted something small and intimate. We wanted only family and close friends attending. I had my first OB/Gyn appointment and Wyatt came with me. We checked in and held hands while we waited for my name to be called. We didn’t have to wait long before my name was called. The nurse led us into the examining room and handed me a gown.

  “Ms. Walker, put this on and Dr. Rama will be with you shortly.”

  “Thank you,” I said. I changed into the gown and sat on the exam table to wait for the doctor. Wyatt took the seat next to the exam table and held my hand. It wasn’t long before the doctor knocked on the door and came in.

  “Hi Ms. Walker, I’m Sreedevi Rama,” she said, while extending her hand to shake mine.

  “Rebel, please and this is Wyatt,” I introduced. Dr. Rama was a very beautiful woman. She has a round face the color of caramel, brown eyes and long black hair. She had on a saree, which is a traditional dress from her culture and over it she wore the typical white doctor’s coat. She had a distinctive accent; it was melodic, thick and rolled of her tongue eloquently. Her English was perfect. She was soft spoken and her hands were soft as silk. She had kind eyes and I instantly liked her.

  “Nice to meet you both. I got the results from the doctor you saw in Florida. I’m going to ask you a few questions to determine how far along you are,” she said.


  “When was your last menstrual?” she asked.

  “I don’t know,” I replied.

  “Not a problem. I plan to do a sonogram and I can estimate how far along you are. First, I want to try to see if we can hear the baby’s heart beat.” She asked me to lie down and reached over for a wand like thingy and pulled my gown up exposing my stomach. Wyatt looked at her and asked, “What is that?”

  “It’s called a Doppler and it’s an instrument used to pick up your baby’s heartbeat.” She squirted some gel on my lower belly, turned the machine on and placed the Doppler there. She moved it around until it picked up a beat. It sounded like a galloping horse. The beat was extremely fast and I began to panic thinking something was wrong.

  “Is the baby alright?”

  “That is the sound of your baby’s heart. Don’t panic, Rebel. A fetus’s heart beat is twice as fast as your own and it sounds normal. An average normal fetal heart rate is between one hundred twenty and one eighty beats per minute. Whereas an average adult heart rate at rest is between sixty to one hundred beats per minute. He or she has a strong heart beat,” she explained.

  “Oh thank god.” Dr. Rama smiled and proceeded with her exam. She had me place my feet in the stir-ups and had me scoot down. She examined me vaginally and explained everything she was checking for and everything seemed normal to her.

  “I want to do a sonogram on you to determine how far along you are,” she explained.

  “Will you be performing this sonogram?” Wyatt asked.

  “No, I will have a technician come in and do the ultrasound. I’m going to step out and tell her to come in. Afterwards I will be able to tell you how far you might be and what your due date will be,” she said before stepping out to get the tech. The technician came in rolling a machine behind her.

  “Hi, I’m Ruth. I understand we need an ultrasound here.”

  “Hi, I’m Rebel and this is Wyatt.”

  “I’m going to put some gel on you, it might be a little cold,” she explained as she squirted me with gel. She used another wand like thingy with a ball on the end and rolled it around by belly. She pointed out a blob on the screen and said, “Those blobs you see on the screen are your babies.”

  “What?” Wyatt and I voiced. She laughed and stated, “Looks like twins to me, but Dr. Rama will need to verify it. If you look here you see the first what looks like a blob, but if you look closely you see a shadow right next to it, which indicates another baby.”

  Wyatt and I looked at each other in surprise. Our eyes were watery.

  “Twins, baby,” he whispered.

  “Yeah,” I agreed. Ruth printed us the pictures from the sonogram and handed each of us our own copy.

  “You should think about a doing a 3D sonogram once you are further along. You can get a realistic photo of the babies in the womb,” she said.

  “Oh, I would love that,” I voiced to Wyatt.

  “Anything for you, baby.”

  Dr. Rama came back in and looked at the sonogram and stated, “Rebel, Wyatt, based on the sonogram it looks as if your about ten weeks. That means you are still in your first trimester. It does look like you’re carrying twins. They are about an inch long and weigh less than a quarter.”

  “Wow, I think I need to buy a pregnancy book,” I said.

  “I think that is a good idea. It will explain the changes in your body and what to expect during your pregnancy.” I got dressed after that and made my next appointment for a month’s time. Wyatt dropped me off at Bailey’s school. I was picking her up from school and taking her ho
me with me. She was spending the weekend with me and Wyatt. I felt guilty because I hadn’t spent much time with her lately and I was looking forward to having my munchkin with me. Bailey bounded out of the school and ran straight at me. She threw her arms around my legs and shrieked, “Reby, I’ve missed you, like so much!”

  “I missed you too, munchkin.”

  “How come we are going to Wyatt’s for the weekend?”

  “I live there now.”

  “Are you married to him?”

  “Bails, you know the wedding hasn’t taken place yet.”

  “Oh, right. I forgot. When is it again?” she giggled.

  “In two weeks. This is my last weekend with you before the wedding?”

  “I know that. I was just being silly.”

  “You know you can visit me anytime and I will visit you every chance I get. I’m always going to be your sister no matter where I live,” I said while ruffling her hair. We took the ferry into the city and hopped on the train. We got off at our stop and headed towards Wyatt’s shop. He was taking us out to dinner before we headed home.

  “Where we going, Reby?”

  “It’s where are we going,” I corrected my sister before giving her an answer, “We’re going to meet Wyatt at his shop, then he’s taking us out for dinner.”

  “What kinda shop?” I didn’t correct her. It would have been a losing battle with her.

  Instead I just told her, “A tattoo shop.”

  “Cool.” We walked into the shop and it was really packed for a Friday night. I glanced around and noticed Ty was working on hip piece for a chick and Wyatt was doing a face tat on a mountain of man. I mean the guy was huge and not the hot huge. It was the kind of huge you saw on ex-con’s. Scary huge. Wyatt looked up when he saw us and smiled, “Hey pretty girl, oh and hi Rebel.” He thinks he’s so funny. I stuck my tongue out at him and he smirked.

  “Hi Wyatt,” Bailey said and he flashed her with his mega-watt smile.

  “Hey, Ty.”

  “Hey, Rebel. Who’s the mini-me?”

  “This is my sister, Bailey.”

  “Nice to meet you, Bailey.”

  “What kinda name is Ty?” Bailey asked by a way of greeting.

  “It’s short for Tyler,” he answered with a wink. Bailey blushed and hid her face against my shirt. I ruffled her hair and I thought it was adorable she had a crush on Ty.

  “Baby,” Wyatt called my attention.


  “I’m going to be here awhile. I won’t be able to take you girls out to dinner, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. We’ll just head home,” I said.

  “I’ll text you when I’m done. I’ll pick up Chinese on my way home.”

  “Sounds perfect. What do you think, Bails?”

  “I love Chinese.”

  “Alright, Chinese it is for my girls.” I took Bails home and she immediately forgot all about me to play with Blue. I walked around Wyatt’s loft where it all began. The beginning of us. I also thought about the day I made the call to my mother. It was awkward at first, after everything that’s happened in my life. Benny’s attack which was a result of her inability to be the mother she should have been. At least that horror story is over. Benny was arrested for committing a double homicide over a drug deal gone badly. He’s doing life with no chance of parole. Thank god for that! Wyatt was there with me when I called my mother and set up a meet time to meet my family. Meeting my grandparents was a breeze. They welcomed me with open arms and had nothing but love for me and my sister, making us feel right at home. My mother was there too. After a very much needed talk and several can you ever forgive me, we agreed to start a new and rebuild our mother-daughter relationship. She was even there while I met my father for the first time.

  I could feel the distaste he had for her, but when he saw me, all his anger washed away. We are more alike than I thought. He’s tall with broad shoulders. He has jet black hair like me and we even share the same bluish-purple eyes. He told me he was recently divorced and sadly he didn’t have other children. I told him I was pregnant with twins and it brought tears to my eyes when he cried because he not only got his daughter back, but he was getting grandchildren to love and spoil. I felt as if I’ve known him my whole life. It felt natural being around him. Wyatt and he got along nicely. My whole life I felt alone and now I feel like I belong somewhere. I, of course invited him to the wedding and at first I thought he would be upset when I told him Victor was walking me down the aisle but he understood. It wasn’t till later that Wyatt suggested that both he and Victor could walk me down the aisle. I thought that was a super awesome idea and they both agreed it was brilliant. Wyatt and I wrote our own vows and I couldn’t wait to reveal mine in two weeks.

  I opted not to walk down the aisle to the tradition “Here comes the bride.” Instead Mrs. Sullivan is going to sing “At Last,” by Etta James. Marissa did a spectacular job setting up our wedding. She got us booked at The Foundry, in Long Island City, Queens. It was once a nineteen century metal foundry, but has since been restored and now plays host to weddings, corporate events and photo shoots. Marissa is not only my wedding planner, maid of honor, but now she’s going to be our real estate guru. Wyatt wants a house with enough room for the twins, but also a room just for Bailey. He gave her a budget and she’s been on it trying to find us the perfect home. I was so lost in thought I didn’t hear Wyatt come in, but I felt him though when he put his arm around my waist and kissed me on my neck.

  “Hi, baby,” he whispered.

  “Hi, honey,” I murmured.

  “Penny for your thoughts,”

  “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I never imagined I could love someone as much as I love you, Wyatt.”

  “Fuck, baby, you can’t say things like that to me when Bails in the house and I can’t do you the way I want to. The best thing I’ve ever done in my life is losing my heart to you. I cannot wait to make you my wife. It’s you and me, baby. You, me, forever and beyond.”

  I’M A FUCKING nervous wreck. It won’t be long before Rebel is walking down the aisle and finally becoming my wife. I haven’t seen her since yesterday morning. I had a horrible night without her. She spent the night at Marissa’s place, who insisted it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. I couldn’t give two shits about that. I wanted to bury my cock deep in her pussy before the big day, but I was cock blocked. Ty was standing to my left since he was my best man. My palms were sweaty and I don’t know how many times I tugged the collar of my shirt.

  “Relax, bro,” Ty said.

  “That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one getting married.”

  “Are you getting cold feet?”

  “Fuck no. I just want to get this over with so I can have some much needed alone time with my wife.”

  “Ah, I feel your pain. One night without her and you’re already suffering blue balls.” I elbowed him in the stomach while I grumbled, “Fuck you, Tyler.”

  “You are so pussy whipped,” he laughed. The justice of the peace asked our guest to stand. It was time for the bride to walk down the aisle. Mrs. Sullivan’s voice rang deep and true. Everyone’s eyes were glued to the entrance where Rebel would appear from. Bailey looked like an angel as she made her way down dropping rose petals as she walked. Then my bride to be appeared and she took my breath away. I literally sucked in a gulp of air because she was such a vision. It’s hard to describe what I felt watching her walk down the aisle. I was emotionally charged. This moment filled me with so much joy, nerves, and butterflies. Yes, I got butterflies. My future was literally walking towards me and it was such an incredible experience. She was flanked on each side by both her fathers, but I only had eyes for her. I can’t describe her gown; I only know it was white. My eyes were glued to her face and it glowed. Happiness beyond anything I could have imagined set in when I made eye contact with her. Her eyes were brimming with happiness. I saw our future within her eyes and I knew
that for all eternity I would do whatever I needed to do to make her happy. We both decided to write our vows and I couldn’t wait to hear hers. I know she worked hard on them while mine on the other hand was simple. When she finally reached me I took her hand in mine and brought it up to my lips. I placed a soft kiss in the palm of her hand. Since I only had eyes for her I wasn’t paying too much attention to the justice of the peace or what he said.

  Thankfully, I understood enough when I was told to recite my vows, “Rebel, do you remember the first time we met?” she shook her head yes with tears brimming her eyes. “From the very moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. The one I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I promise to always love you with everything I am and everything I have, in the only way I know how, completely and forever.” Small rivers of tears were cascading down her face and Marissa handed her a tissue. When it was her turn to recite her vows she was trembling as she handed Marissa her bouquet because she wanted to take both my hands in hers. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears that were pooling in her eyes and with the sweetest and softest voice she recited what was to be the most beautiful words heard by mankind.


  I was lost and alone

  No sense of purpose or direction

  No comprehension of family, love, friendship or honor

  And then I met you.” She had to stop and take a deep breath since her voice was quivering with emotions and tears slowly rolled down her eyes. I removed one of my hands from her grip to wipe the tears of her beautiful face.

  “Where there has been cold,

  You have brought warmth;

  Where my life was VERY dark,

  You have brought light

  You invited me into your world and asked for nothing in return

  So what can I say to you that I haven’t already said,

  What can I give you that I haven’t already given,

  Is there anything of me that isn’t yours already…” My soon to be wife was trembling so badly from her emotions that she had to stop voicing her vows to breath. I noticed all the females in attendance were crying just as much as my girl was. My grandmother, her grandmother, her mother, Camille, Marissa, Marissa’s mother, and Annie were all sobbing to the point I couldn’t take any more of that shit. I pulled Rebel towards me and kissed her passionately, long, wet, and deep. The tears in the crowd turned to “Awe’s.” Bails, on the other hand said, “Eww, gross!” eliciting chuckles from the crowd. The justice of the peace cleared his throat, breaking our kiss. I looked towards him and said, “Are we officially hitched?”