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A Heart for Rebel Page 5
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Page 5
Benny gripped my mother’s elbows and pushed her away, "Anna, I want my money. If you don't get my money soon, I'm taking what's mine. You know exactly what I want. You were good in the sack, but what I want I feel will be a whole lot better. You feel me?" My mother shook her head in agreement. Victor has his fist clenched. I think he knows what Benny wants. Benny heads towards the stairs and starts heading down them, but not before saying, "I'll be seeing you real soon, Rebel."
"In your dreams asshole," I yelled back.
"You're feisty. I like it. It will be my pleasure to break you," he yelled back. Victor pinned me with a stare then turns to my mother, “What the fuck did you just do, Anna?"
"What I do with my life is no longer your concern. Don't get all high and mighty with me Victor," my mother snarled.
Victor turns to me, "Reby, baby go get Bailey's things. I need to have a few words with your mother." I look at him, nod my head, and grab Bailey’s hand. We walk inside and head to her room.
"Wait here munchkin. I will be right back, okay," I told her.
"Okay, Reby," she whispered. I know she's scared out of her mind, but I need to know what's going on with my mother and Victor. I sneak back to the door and listen in.
“Go fuck yourself, Victor. We are no longer together. You left me, remember?" my mother snarled, sounding bitter.
"Anna, you know why I left. I couldn't live like that anymore. I wanted to be a different person for Bailey and Rebel. I wanted you to change. I wanted you to stop drinking and doing drugs, but you wouldn't let that shit go. You made your choice. I made my own. I understand you had a rough life and a miserable childhood, but Anna, just because the past didn't turn out like you wanted it to, doesn't mean your future can't be better than you've ever imagined. Get your shit together and keep that douche away from Rebel, you hear me?" he asked.
I sucked in a breath. My chest hurt. My mother was willing to trade my body for the debt she owes Benny. I would do anything for my mother, but never that. I'm done with her and her fucked up life. I'm done with her screwing me over for her own needs.
“Fuck you, Victor. What I do with my life is my business," my mother growled.
"I don't care anymore. Kill yourself if you want. I'm taking Bailey with me, Rebel too if she'll come with me," he said.
"You have no right to take my daughters," my mother said.
"Watch me. Try to fight me on this Anna, I will take you to court and I will fight you. I will fight for them. They deserve to live a good life, and Anna living here with you is not good," Victor growled. I heard enough. I ran back to Bailey’s room, and packed as much of her belongings as I could. Then I went to my room and packed the little shit I had. One last look around the room told me I was never coming back. I grabbed my bag and walked out my room, closing the door behind me. I grabbed Bailey’s bags and we both made our way outside the apartment.
"We're ready Victor," I said. My voice was filled with emotions. I was sad. I was hurt. I was angry, but most of all I was lost and broken. My mother whips her head towards me, "Reby, you're leaving me?" she asked.
"Yeah, Ma. I'm leaving. I can't keep living this hopelessness. I have dreams for a better life and if I stay here I will never see my dreams come true. I heard what plans you have for paying down your debt to Benny. I'm sorry, but my body is not for sale. Good-bye mother, this will be the last time you will ever see me," I said with conviction in my voice. She crumbles to the floor. She gets on her knees and claps her hands together as if in prayer, "Please don't leave me, Rebel. Who will take care of me?"
"Mother, it's time you grow-up. I'm twenty-two years old and I'm more responsible than you are. It's time for me to leave. It's time I live my life, for me. I can't keep living your life. You decided what path you wanted. I know you had a rough one, but guess what? There are a lot of people out there who have it rougher than you, but they try, and struggle to rise for a better life.. Some succeed and some don't, but Ma, you never even tried. You never tried for me, Bailey or for yourself. You have no one to blame, but yourself. I really hope you get it together," I said, walking towards the stairs. I heard her gut-wrenching sobs, but I held strong and didn't look back. I knew if my mother did not change this would be the last time I would ever see her again.
BAILEY AND I have been living with Victor for several months now. At first I was lost, confused, and jealous. Victor has a fiancée, Camille Martin. She is absolutely the nicest person I've ever met. She dotes on Bailey. This is where my jealousy comes from. I'm no longer making breakfast for Bailey. Camille has taken over making her breakfast. I feel like a stranger looking in on my little sister's life. I no longer work at the diner. Camille was nice enough to get me employment in an art gallery. I love my new job, but I miss Marissa. If I'm honest with myself, I miss Wyatt more. I only got one night with him.
I replayed a conversation I had with Victor a few days ago. "Life isn't about finding yourself, Rebel. It's about discovering who God created you to be. Don't let your upbringing define you. None of that was on you, but your mother. Don't regret taking chances, because in the end, we only regret chances we didn't take, relationships we are afraid to have, and decisions we waited too long to make. If you have a chance on something beautiful, grab it and hold on for as long as you can," Victor said.
"When did you become a sage, Victor?" I playfully asked.
"Since I found the strength to start over," he quietly said. He's absolutely right. I need to let go and take a giant leap of faith. Hopefully, Wyatt is still free to take that leap with me.
It was time for me to start my life. It had been months since I'd spoken or seen Marissa. I've been busy trying to get my bearings with work and trying to find myself, but I needed to make time for her. I needed to have some fun.
I got a sweet apartment above Victor's garage. It's not big by any standards, but it's mine. The best thing about it is its rent free. Camille hooked it up for me with furniture. I have a small living room, kitchenette, bedroom and a bathroom. It has the basic furniture, sofa, TV, bed, and dresser. I now have a cell phone, courtesy of Victor, who put me on his plan. I send Marissa a text asking to meet up tonight at our favorite club.
The club is packed tonight. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. All I could think about is seeing Wyatt. I hoped to God, he's here and free. Marissa heads to the bar for a rum and coke. I'm not a drinker, my personal preference, so I settle for a club soda. I scan the club and my hopes die. Wyatt is not here. I was so stupid walking away from him that first night. Marissa and I take our drinks and hit the dance floor. We're dancing to some really good house music. We're both lost in the 4/4 beat of the music. I'm drenched in sweat, and feeling liberated. Marissa and I head towards the bar for refills when I see him sitting at a booth with Ty and two girls. The girl sitting next to Wyatt was gorgeous. She looked cozy with him. She's nibbling on his neck. I was livid. I was jealous. I wanted to claw her eyes out. My reaction was understandable, but Marissa's reaction perturbed me. Her whole body tensed up as she took in the scene. Ty was sitting close to his companion and laughing with her. She was a cute girl, a little too young for him. Marissa's body tensed, her breathing became labored, and her fists were clenched so tightly, her knuckles were white from lack of blood flow.
"What the fuck!" she muttered.
"What?" I asked. She looked at me and her expression was livid, "Excuse me a minute, Reby, but I need to talk to someone. Wait for me at the bar; this won't take but a minute." I watched as she walked with determination towards their table. When did she become friendly with Ty? Seems my best friend was holding out on me.
TY AND I decided to go to the lounge tonight. His baby sister was in town and he wanted to introduce her to Marissa. I was okay with that, even though Rebel wouldn't be there. I had no idea why I was still hung-up on her. It was only one night and it happened months ago. For some reason I can't stop thinking about her. She disappeared, taking a piece of me with her. I know that sounds irrational and crazy, but
it's true. So, here we are, sitting at a booth. Ty playfully shoved his sister and she retaliated by punching him in the arm. Lindsay, an old flame is sitting on my lap, softly nibbling on my neck, but all I can think about is her. Her eyes, her smile, her taste, and how heavenly it felt to be inside her. I closed my eyes and fantasized its Rebel in my lap. I felt myself harden with just a mental visual of her. I remembered waking up from the best sleep ever. I had reached over for Rebel, but the spot next to me was empty. I bolted from the bed and looked for her in the bathroom. Empty. I went downstairs to look for her. Empty. Shaking my head I made my way towards the kitchen. I spied a receipt propped against my coffee canister. I cannot believe she left. I don’t know what irked me more, the fact that she left or the thanks for the great fuck note she left me. I was highly frustrated. I've never had a girl sneak out of my bed before. I usually got the morning after fuck and phone number. I wasn't planning on a morning after fuck with Rebel. I was planning on morning, noon, and night fuck with her. I felt a deep connection to her. I've never felt that before, but there's just something about Rebel. It’s an unexplainable pull that draws me towards her. I had no idea how to get a hold of Rebel after that night. I tried everything I could to get a hold of her. I was so desperate to find her that I went to the shop on my day off to talk to Ty.
"Wyatt, my man what are you doing here on your day off?" he asked.
"I need to see the paperwork on Marissa," I replied.
"Who?" He asked.
"Marissa, the girl you tatted and pierced Friday," I replied.
"Oh, the exotic Latin chic. You got a thing for her? Bro she’s got a man. I tried and was dee…nied," he said.
"No, I...fuck. I'm interested in her friend, Rebel," I replied.
"Bro, you’re worked up over the girl. Calm down. I'll get the paperwork for you," he replied as he walked over to his file cabinet.
“Thanks, man.” I said.
“Wyatt, we’ve known each other a long time. We’re tighter than brothers and because of that I want to say something about this thing you have with Rebel.”
“Jesus, Ty what exactly do you think you have the right to say?”
“Bro, relax. What I have to say is not life shattering. You’re my friend and I’m just worried about you.”
“Spill it, Ty. I don’t have all day.”
“What you’re doing is unprofessional and unethical. Looking up a client’s information just to get a piece of ass,” he said.
“First of all, I know it’s wrong, man, but there’s just something about this girl that I can’t stay away from her. Secondly, she is not just some piece of ass. I can’t explain what exactly she means to me, cause hell if I know. All I know is I need to be with her.”
“I get that man, but if you are going to go after that girl then you’re going to need to be strong because that girl is broken.”
“I already knew that and I don’t care. All I care about is being with her.” He gave me the file and I jotted down her number for me. I took it and programmed the number in my phone.
"Thanks, Ty," I said before turning. I did not wait for him to speak. I wasn't in the mood to hear the shit that was going to come out of his mouth. The minute I hit the pavement I dialed her number.
"Hello?" she asked.
"Hey, Marissa, it's Wyatt from the MADD Tatter," I replied.
"Oh, fuck. Did I like get some disease from a needle?" she asked in a panic stricken voice. I can understand her worry but nothing has ever and will never happen at my shop. We are very careful to sterilize the equipment.
"Of course not, Marissa. Calm down. We are a reputable tattoo shop. We are diligent in sterilizing all of our equipment. We use new needles and ink caps with every client. I'm calling for another reason," I replied.
"Oh thank God! Anywhoo, why are you calling me?" she asked.
"Shit...um...I need...," I started to reply, but she cut me off.
"Spit it out Wyatt. I don't have all day to gibber gabber witcha," she huffed.
"Rebel, I want Rebel's number," I said.
"Damn...I can't," she replied.
"Yes, you can," I said.
"Um...no I can't," she replied.
"Yes, you can Marissa. I want her number,"
"No I can't Wy...att. She doesn’t have a phone, stupid," she replied sarcastically.
She irritated the fuck out of me. "How can I get in contact with her," I asked.
"You can't, but I'll let her know you're looking for her," she said before hanging up on me. I tried to call her back but she kept ignoring my calls with the fuck you button, sending me straight to voice mail. I was fucking fuming mad for several reasons. I was pissed beyond belief that Marissa wouldn't take my calls. I was extremely livid that Rebel did not have a phone. Every girl should have a phone if just for emergency purposes. I had no idea if I would ever see her again. I was down in the dumps like a love struck fool. What the hell is wrong with me acting like a pussy over a girl I just met? I know what’s wrong. I met the girl that was meant to be mine. I let her walk out of my door and out of my life. Fuck.
FUCK! I OPEN my eyes the minute I hear a hard slap. I look Ty's way and Marissa is going off on him. I can only assume she smacked him.
"Mari, baby, calm down. It's not what you think. Let me explain," Ty said.
"Explain Ty, how it's not what I think," Marissa snarled sarcastically.
"She's my sister, Jamie," he softly said. Marissa's eyes well up with tears and her face plants into his chest. He kisses the top of her head, “Mari baby, please don't cry. You know how I feel about you. I would never hurt you," he said. Ty's sister has a goofy smile on her face watching their exchange.
"I'm so sorry I jumped to conclusions. I was dancing with Reby. I looked your way and I didn't know what to think.”
At the mention of Rebel, I lift Lindsay off my lap and look around. My eyes find her immediately. I drink in the sight of her like a man dying of thirst. She's fucking exquisite. She has on a satin burgundy dress that scoops low in the front accentuating her voluptuous breast. The dress stops right above her knees. My eyes travel down her sexy long legs that go on for days, and holy hell, she has on a pair of fuck me stilettos. Our eyes meet and she turns no doubt to run. My mouth drops to the floor, because her dress is backless and I can clearly see the dimples of her heart-shaped kissable round ass that I know for a fact are perfect for my hands. I make my way towards her and I thread myself into her arms. I invite my tongue into her mouth, not caring if I have her permission. It feels incredible, I don't want to stop. I only had a small taste of her for one night, and now that she's here, I want to pick-up where we left off. I want to continue kissing her. I want to dive deeper into her mouth. I feel like an archeologist exploring unknown territory. I want to find all her secret pleasure points to drive her higher and higher, until she's moaning my name. Until she combusts in my arms. She resisted at first, struggling to free herself from my arms, but I wasn't having it. I held her tighter to me; eventually she relaxed and let her guard down, returning the kiss with fervor. A clearing of a throat broke us apart. I groaned in frustration. Rebel's cheeks were a pretty shade of pink.
“Excuse me Wyatt, but what the hell is going on? Who is she?” Lindsay growled.
“Lindsay, this is Rebel,” I answered.
“Well, would you mind telling, Reba, was it? To find her own man?” Lindsay rudely said.
“Lindsay, her name is Rebel not Reba. Lindsay we are not together. I didn’t come with you,” I replied.
“I cannot believe you said that to me Wyatt. We have history,” Lindsay said.
“We are history Lindsay,” I said. I cannot believe this is fucking happening. I waited months to see Rebel again and it had to happen with Lindsay around. Fucking shit. Rebel looked at Lindsay and said, “Don’t worry, he’s all yours.” Marissa sauntered to us with a shit eating grin on her face.
"Seriously, dude? I did not see that coming, okay I did. You've been
keeping secrets from me Reby," Marissa said
"Really, said the pot to the kettle," Rebel said. Marissa and Rebel break out in giggles and tried to walk away. I grabbed Rebel by the elbow, "Where are you going, pretty girl?"
"Have fun on your date, pretty boy," Rebel said with a wink and walked away with her arm linked with Marissa's. Fuck!
The rest of the night I watched Rebel while trying to distance myself from Lindsay. She wouldn’t take no for an answer, but I was finally able to drop her like a bad habit. She stormed off in a huff when I roughly told her, “Lindsay, you and I are never getting back together. We didn’t work out the first time because you couldn’t keep your hands off other men. Do yourself a favor and move on.”
“Fuck you, Wyatt,” she screamed as she stormed towards the exit. I continue to follow Rebel’s every move. I stalked her on the dance floor. She was dancing with Marissa. I inched my way closer to her until her back was flushed against my front. I placed my hands on her hips and swayed with her to the voice of Norah Jones, "Come away with me." I lean over her so that my lips are close to her ear, "I want a do over," I softly said.
"A do over for what?" she asked.
"I want to start over with you. I want to take you out, get to know you. What do you say, pretty girl? Will you go out with me? "
"Umm… that would be a big fat negative," she said and walked away. She headed towards the restroom. I stalked her like a lion would its prey in sight. I cornered her in the hallway, I pressed her against a wall. I lean in and I gently caressed her check and brush my lips lightly against her soft luscious lips. She shivers in my arm. I love how responsive she is by my touch.
I lean into her so my lips are near her right ear and whisper, “Go out to dinner with me tomorrow.” She’s breathing hard. I know I have this effect on her and I simply love it.
“Okay, yes I’ll go to dinner with you,” she said breathlessly.