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A Heart for Rebel Page 6

  I'M PICKING Rebel up from Marissa's place and I'm nervous as fuck. I haven't been on a date going on two years now. I'm not a player, but I just haven't met someone that I've wanted to spend time with. It takes me fifteen minutes to find a parking spot. It's a block away from Marissa's apartment. I knock on the door and Rebel answers it with a wink and a smile. Her winks always do a number on me. It made me weak in the knees, but her beauty took my breath away. She has on a pair of skinny jeans that sit low on her hips and a semi-see through blouse. I can see her barely there lace bra. God, she's beautiful. We stand there, me outside the door and her inside the door staring at each other.

  "Hi, pretty girl," I said with a smile.

  "Hi, yourself," she replied.

  "Are you ready for our date?" I asked.

  "Let's do this," she responded. She locked the door and I grabbed her hand once it's free. "You look beautiful tonight," I said before kissing her hand.

  She blushes and says, "Thank you. You look quite handsome tonight too." I learned from Marissa that Rebel hasn't been on a lot of dates and I don't want to make her nervous by taking her to a fancy restaurant. I opted to take her to a quaint bar and grill. We're sitting at a booth and decide to do have cheeseburgers with the works and draft beer. As we wait for our meal I ask her questions.

  "So, Rebel, tell me what your parents are like."

  She squirms in her chair and takes a deep breath, "I never knew my father. I've never met him."

  "What about your mom?" I asked.

  "I'm embarrassed to talk about my mother," she replied.

  "Why?" I asked.

  "It's embarrassing to tell someone your mother is an alcoholic and drug user," she replied quietly.

  "Why are you embarrassed? Your mother's actions don’t reflect who you are. That's all on her and her choices. I know enough to know that is not you," I said.

  "Thank you for that," she said.

  ”Do you have any siblings?” I asked.

  “I have a little sister, Bailey. She’s eight years old and the love of my life,” she replied enthusiastically. I could tell she was close to her sister and that she loved her very much. There was a sparkle in her gorgeous eyes. She became animated as she talked about Bailey and it made me fall deeper for her.

  "Tell me, Rebel, what do you want in life, in a guy, in a relationship?" I asked.

  “I’m looking for someone who really loves me. Someone who can see what a mess I can be, how moody I can get, and how hard I’m to handle, but still wants me in their life,” she honestly said.

  “Love doesn’t have to be perfect, Rebel. It just needs to be true. Love means that you accept a person with all their failures, stupidities, ugly points, and nonetheless you see perfection,” I said.

  “Now, that’s very poetic and insightful of you,” she playfully said.

  “I try, but seriously we are not given a good life, or a bad life. We are given a life, it’s up to us to make it good or bad,” I said.

  “Umm…you lost me there. Weren’t we just talking about what I’m looking for in a guy? In a relationship?” she asked. This girl is the total package. She’s beautiful, smart and she has a heart of gold. There is so much to her than what meets the eye. She is so insightful and deep that it will take me years to uncover everything that makes her unique. I thought I was into her when we first met, but now I know not only am I into her, I’m falling for her. What makes her unique is she has no clue how special she is.

  “What I’m trying to say is a person who truly loves you will never stop believing in you and will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is,” I replied.

  “Enough about me tell me what your parents are like?” she asked.

  “I lost my parents when I was a little boy,” I replied.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered and her eyes welled with tears. I reach across the table and squeeze her hands.

  “It happened a long time ago. I made peace with it. I was actually raised by my grandmother,” I said reassuring her that I was fine.

  “Well, then tell me about your grandmother,” she said.

  “My grandmother is a warm, ornery lady and I love her to pieces. She’s tall and regal with silver-blue hair. She was both mother and father to me. She is my inspiration. It’s because of her that I’m a tattoo artist,” I said.

  “She sounds wonderful,” she softly said.

  “She is. Now tell me, how did you become an artist?” I asked.

  “My childhood wasn’t ideal. I mean it wasn’t normal. There were no loving parents giving me unconditional love and praises. I literally raised myself and was on my way of raising Bailey. My mother was always strung out on something. She had a string of men parading in and out of our house. I had to find an outlet for my loneliness. As a child I was always good at drawing and art. I had a natural ability to draw for some unexplainable reason. It was my constant outlet and comfort growing up,” she said. Our food arrived at that moment

  and we ate in companionable silence. The only sounds were the little moans of pleasure she made with every bite. I smiled and said, “Do you realize every time you take a bite of food, you make a sound? Mmm…”

  “Oh my god! How embarrassing,” she exclaimed.

  “No, no, it was a good sound. It did things to me, very sensual. It left me feeling all warm, fuzzy and hard,” I playfully said. She adorably blushed, I freaking loved it. After I paid the bill we walked out holding hands. She has really soft skin. When we make it to my car I pushed her up against the passenger door and leaned in to kiss her. She tempted me back, our tongues sliding in and out. I run my tongue lightly over her lips and tenderly nip her bottom lip before sucking it into my mouth. She smiled against my lips, opened her mouth allowing my tongue to roam and explore. She moaned and pressed her breast against my chest. I groaned as she sucked on my tongue. I placed my hands on her ass and squeezed. I pulled away from her lips panting, “I’ve wanted to do that all night.”

  She leaned into my ear and said, “I would like to do that again, please.” Her voice sounded all breathy and sexy as shit. She has the most sensual lips I’ve ever had the pleasure of kissing. They are plump, and pouty. As I leaned my lips towards her, she grabbed my face, gently brushing her lips against mine and whispered, “I want to kiss you, may I?”

  My brain is buzzing as I nodded my head once. She immediately placed her lips over mine, and I felt the softness, and warmth of her mouth. The kiss was long, soft, and sensual. She tasted of peaches. I leaned down towards her neck and rubbed my nose down the column of her neck before lightly biting the hollow where the neck meets the shoulder. She shudders in my arms. I placed my lips against her ear and whisper, “Your hugs and kisses are the stars that light up my world.” She exhaled and said, “In your arms is right where I want to be, where nothing else matters, but you and me.”

  “Come home with me tonight. I want to hold you in my arms, pretty girl,” I softly said.

  “I wish I could. I really want to, but I promised to make pancakes for Bailey tomorrow. I’ve never broken a promise to her,” she said quietly. I was disappointed that she wouldn’t sleep in my arms, but I understood.

  “Invite me for breakfast, Rebel. If I can’t have you in my arms through the night, then I want breakfast,” I declared.

  “Alright, breakfast tomorrow,” she agreed.

  I HAVE NO idea why I agreed to go out with Wyatt. I mean, last night when I came out of the restroom he cornered me against the wall. He pressed himself against me and gently caressed my check and lightly brushed his lips against mine. He only touched me in two places, but I felt the electrical current course throughout my entire body. I had no idea what was happening to me, but I knew it had to do with his inexplicable hold on me. Wyatt called to me and I wasn't strong enough to fight this pull towards him. Hell, if I were to be honest I didn't want to fight it. I wanted to pull him closer and hold on tight for dear life. I wanted to be consumed by him until there was nothing left of me j
ust him. I agreed to go out with him and he looked smug in the fact that I agreed.

  Wyatt dropped me off in front of Marissa’s apartment. Victor was already there to take me home. Wyatt opened my door and offered me his hand. I reached out and clasped my hand with his and we walked toward Victor.

  “Hi Victor, I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” I said.

  “Not at all Reby, baby,” he said.

  “Victor, I want you to meet Wyatt. Wyatt, this is Victor, Bailey’s dad,” I said as a way of introduction.

  Victor reaches out to shake Wyatt’s hand, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Wyatt. Rebel seems to forget I’m her dad too.”

  “The pleasure is all mine,” Wyatt said, confusion is written all over his face.

  “Victor isn’t really my father, but in his heart I’m his daughter. So, I’ll rephrase my introduction. Wyatt, meet my father, Victor.”

  Victor looks at me and smiles tenderly, “That’s better, Reby.” He walks towards his car. “I’ll just wait in the car.”

  Wyatt softly brushed errant strands of my hair with his fingertips. My skin quivered from his feathered touch. He gently cupped my jaw. His thumb caressed my cheeks. My heartbeat quickened, I can feel the sensual energy that radiates off both our bodies. He slowly lowered his lips towards mine and kissed my lips.

  “Sleep well, pretty girl. I’ll see you in the morning,” he whispered and kissed me on the apple of my cheek, walking back to his vehicle. I stood there in a daze. I touched my fingertips to my lips. My body ached. My skin tingles with desire and I don’t want this feeling to end. It hit me then that something has changed in me and I will never be the person I once was…lost. I get in the car and Victor puts it in drive.

  Victor parked his truck in the driveway and kissed my cheek, “Good night sweetheart. I’m positive Camille would like to hear about your date tonight.”

  “Good night, Victor,” I said with a smile. I stepped into my darkened apartment, closing and locking the door. I drop my purse, after taking my cellphone out, on the sofa. I made my way down the short hallway without turning on the light. I entered my bedroom and turned on the bedside lamp. I placed my phone on the nightstand. I stripped off my clothes and put on a pair of shorts and tank top. I climbed into bed and cover myself with a blanket. Thoughts of Wyatt are running rampant through my mind. Every nerve is raw from his touch. Imaging just the barest touch of his lips on mine set me aflame with desire. My whole body cried out to have his body pressed against mine, skin upon skin…no barriers to hinder our pleasure. Warmth, like molten liquid, coursed through me at the mere thought of him. My body smolders, waiting for the time that he will fan the flames and turn my desires into a raging inferno. I closed my eyes and imagined his hands lovingly caressing me sensually. I can almost feel his lips grazing the back of my neck, down my spine and over my buttocks. Those are my last thoughts as I drift into a deep sleep. The constant ringing of my phone cuts through my sleep. I reach for my phone and swipe the screen to accept the call. I mumble a sleepy “Hello.”

  “Hey, are you asleep?” Marissa’s asked. I looked at my alarm clock and notice its two o’clock in the morning.

  “No, I’m sky diving. Of course, I was sleeping you idiot,” I sarcastically replied.

  “Well, how was the date?” She asked ignoring my sarcasm.

  “Good night, Mari. We’ll talk tomorrow,” I said before hanging up on her. I fall back to sleep and before I know it Bailey is knocking on my door at the crack of dawn. I get out of bed and open the door to let her in. She’s still in her sponge bob square pants pajamas. Her hair is all ruffled and her eyes have that “I’m still sleepy” look.

  “Good morning, Munchkin. Isn’t kind of early to be out of bed?” I asked her.

  “Good morning, Reby. I couldn’t wait a second longer. I just had to see you,” she exuberantly said as she throws her arms around my legs for a hug. I lift her into my arms and she throws her arms around my neck as I pelt her neck with raspberries. She giggled, pushed her warm little body into my arms, and exclaimed, “I love you so much, Reby.”

  “I love you more, munchkin,” I replied between raspberries.

  “What’s for breakfast, Reby?” she asked.

  “Pancakes, munchkin, always pancakes,” I replied. I carry her the short distance to the kitchen and set her on the counter.

  “Bailey, I invited someone to have breakfast with us. Is that okay?” I asked.

  “Who’s coming?”

  “His name is Wyatt and he’s really nice,” I said.

  “Is he your boyfriend?” she asked.

  “He’s a boy and a friend, so yes he’s a boyfriend,” I replied.

  “Okay,” she said.

  I turned on the radio and started gathering what I would need to make her breakfast. I get the griddle going as I stir the batter. The next song to play on the radio is “Footloose,” by Kenny Logins. Bailey giggled hysterically as I performed the dance by Kevin Bacon and sang along to the song. I have my back to Bailey and using the spatula as a makeshift microphone. I’m swaying and moving my hips and kicking my legs from side to side and Bailey joins in skipping in circles. She’s laughing, looking healthy and happy. The sight of her looking carefree fills me with happiness. I closed my eyes and continue to sing and dance.

  “She’s good, don’t you think,” I hear Bailey say. I turn around and feel my face flush with embarrassment. Wyatt is leaning against the frame that separates the kitchen from the living room with a goofy grin on his face. Bailey tugs on his jeans and he looks down at her, “Yeah, she’s breathtaking and really, really good.”

  “I didn’t hear you knock,” I said breathlessly.

  “You were busy dancing, silly,” Bailey answered. I look at my sister and ask her, “Did you ask who it was before you opened the door?”

  “I didn’t have to, I looked out the window. He told me his name was Wyatt. You said your boyfriend, Wyatt was joining us for breakfast,” she happily said. Wyatt laughed and made his way to me.

  “Hi, pretty girl. I woke up wanting to kiss you badly,” he whispered.

  “Bailey is here, you have to keep the kiss rated PG,” I said with a wink. He caressed my cheek and kissed me on the forehead. It was one of the best kisses I’ve ever gotten. It wasn’t a kiss filled with passion, but it spoke volumes. That simple gesture said he cared…deeply.

  After breakfast Wyatt cleaned the dirty dishes and I wiped down the counters. Bailey happily chatted with Wyatt until Victor came and got her. He was surprised to see my guest and gave me a raised eyebrow look. I smiled and winked at him. He shook his head and left.

  Wyatt snuck up behind me and hugged me around the waist. He lightly placed kisses on my neck as he nuzzled his face closer breathing in my scent, “You’re sweeter than nectar, lush and soft in all the right places. I spent the whole night thinking about you.”

  “I wondered how you were and if you missed me at all, because I missed you too,” I softly said. He turned me around, caressed my face and lowered his lips toward mine and kissed me. He pulls away from the kiss and looks deeply into my eyes and says, “How’s my beautiful girl today?”

  I reached up and lightly stroked his cheek, “Much better, now that you’re here.”

  “I want to spend the day with you, Rebel. Is that alright with you?” he asked.

  “Yes, please spend the day with me,” I replied.

  “Good,” he said and lightly tapped his lips to mine.

  “Good,” I mimicked his words and kissed him back.

  “What do you want to do today?” he asked.

  Smiling shyly I kissed him tenderly on the lips and said, “I just want you.”

  “I want you too. I want your smile, your body, I want it all,” he whispered in my ear. I want…I need…Wyatt. I grabbed his hand and lead him to my bedroom. We slowly undressed each other. He stroked my cheek and said, “You are so beautiful. I want to drink all of you in. I can’t stop thinking about you. I want your hands all
over my naked body. I want your mouth, open for my deep kisses. I need so much of you, Rebel. A lifetime spent inside you wouldn’t be enough for me.” My heartbeat quickened. My body ached. My skin tingled with desire. Every nerve was raw for his touch.

  I pushed him onto the bed, gently, but assertively. Our eyes locked. I curve my lips into a mischievous grin. My hands slid down his body, over his thighs, gently pressing them apart. My head dipped between his legs and I felt his eyes on me anticipating my next move. With the first gentle flick of my tongue on his cock, his head falls back and his eyes closed. My fingers caressed his skin and my tongue danced over the head of his cock. I cupped his balls and took him fully into my mouth, eliciting a deep throaty moan from him. My excitement built as my tongue tangoed with his dick. I sucked him deeper into the crevice of my mouth and gently scraped my teeth down his length. I feel his body tense and buck beneath me. My world evaporated slowly and the only thing it contained was him…his pleasure. I felt the build-up of his release and I sucked him deeper and faster until the salty sweet essence of him shot down my throat where I drank it in. He growled in deep satisfaction and rolled us over pinning me underneath him.

  “Fuck me, Rebel, that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen and felt,” he said panting to catch his breath. I on the other hand was smiling like an idiot. He kissed me using his tongue to ravish and wreak havoc on my senses and whispered “Kissing you is nice, the rest of you is paradise.”

  He kissed his way down my body. When he got to my breasts, he sucked one nipple into his mouth and pinched the other nipple between his fingers. He took both my breast into his hands and pressed them together. He lowered his head and sucked both nipples into his mouth. My back arched and I pushed my breasts deeper into his mouth. I’ve never had anyone do this before and it felt incredible to have both nipples sucked on at the same time. I looked down, the sight before me is sinful, erotic, and my arousal heightens. He lets go of my nipples with a loud pop. He continued his descent, nibbling and licking my stomach. He settled himself between my legs and stared at my center. He dipped in and inhaled the scent of my arousal. I felt his dick harden more against my calf. My excitement built with the gentle flick of his tongue against my clit. Pleasure, sweet and turbulent washed over me like crashing waves. I ran my hand over his hair and between my fingers. I guided him, encouraging him to suck me harder. “Yes,” I cried out. He increased his pace, licking and sucking my bud harder.